鼠尾草属植物萜类成分研究 (Terpenoids from Salvia genus plants) 鼠尾草属植物(Salvia)是唇形科最大的一属植物,也是药用价值最多的一属植物。丹参是传统中药中被广泛使用的一味药,从中分离得到的酚类化合物和萜类成分正在进行临床研究。本课题组立足于横断山区丰富的鼠尾草属植物资源以及该地区多变的生境特征,自2001年底开始对横断山区该属植物的萜类化学成分进行研究,现在已经逐渐成为了国际上鼠尾草属植物化学成分研究的一支重要力量。目前共对11种鼠尾草属植物的萜类化学成分展开了深入研究,共分离鉴定298个化合物,其中新化合物63个,包括4个具有新颖骨架的化合物。研究结果发表在Organic Letter, Journal of Natural Products, Tetrahedron等国际期刊上。 The genus Salvia, belonging to the family Labiatae, is a rich source of diterpenoids, especially abietane and clerodane diterpenoids. Based on the abundant bio-resources of Salvia plants in Hengduan Mountains, we have focused on the diterpenoid constituents of this genus over the past five years. Eleven Salvia plants have been studied. Two hundred and ninety-eight metabolites including 63 new ones were isolated. Among them four novel compounds, przewalskin A and B (7), castanolide and epicastanolide, with uncommon skeleton were discovered. Up to date we have published 13 papers in international journals including Organic Letter, Journal of Natural Products, Tetrahedron and so on.
Reference: Organic Letters 2006, 8, 4453 Organic Letters 2007, 9, 291 Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 9490 Tetrahedron Letters 2010, 51, 5083 |
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