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Publications by Sep., 2020

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2020-08-27  |  作者:GUO Han  |  浏览次数:  |  【打印】 【关闭


1.     Xu, S.*, Kreitzer, C., McGale, E., Lackus, N. D., Guo, H., Koellner, T. G., Schuman, M. C., Baldwin, I. T., Zhou, W.*. Allelic differences of clustered terpene synthases contribute to correlated intraspecific variation of floral and herbivory-induced volatiles in a wild tobacco. New Phytologist. 2020, June 14. doi: 10.1111/nph. (IF5=8.795, TOP 5%)

2.     Guo, H., Lackus, N. D., Koellner, T. G., Li, R., Bing, J., Wang, Y., Baldwin, I. T. and Xu, S.*. Evolution of a novel and adaptive floral scent in wild tobacco. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2020, 37(4): 1090-1099. (IF5=13.401, TOP 5%)

3.     Guo, H., Halitschke, R., Wielsch, N., Gase, K. and Baldwin, I. T.*. Mates election in self-compatible wild tobacco results from coordinated variation in homologous self-incompatibility genes. Current Biology, 2019, 29(12): 2020-2030e5. (IF5=10.174, TOP 5%)

4.     Li, M., Zhang, D., Gao, Q., Luo, Y., Zhang, H., Ma, B., Chen, C., Whibley, A., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., Li, Q., Guo, H., Li, J., Song, Y., Zhang, Y., Copsey, L., Li, Y., Li, X., Qi, M., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Wang, D., Zhao, J., Liu, G., Wu, B., Yu, L., Xu, C., Li, J., Zhao, S., Zhang, Y., Hu, S., Liang, C.*, Yin, Y.*, Coen, E*. and Xue, Y*. Genome structure and evolution of Antirrhinum majus L. Nature Plants, 2019, 5(2): 174-183. (IF5=14.576, TOP 5%)

5.     Li, J., Schuman, M. C., Halitschke, R., Li, X., Guo, H., Grabe, V., Hammer, A. and Baldwin, I. T.*. The decoration of specialized metabolites influences stylar development. eLife, 2018, 7: 0-e38611. (IF5=8.175, TOP 5%)

6.     Zhou, W., Kugler, A., McGale, E., Haverkamp, A., Knaden, M., Guo, H., Beran, F., Yon, F., Li, R., Lackus, N., Kollner, T. G., Bing, J., Schuman, M. C., Hansson, B. S., Kessler, D., Baldwin, I. T. and Xu, S.*. Tissue-specific emission of (E)-alpha-bergamotene helps resolve the dilemma when pollinators are also herbivores. Current Biology, 2017, 27(9): 1336-1341. (IF5=10.174, TOP 5%)

7.     Xu, C., Li, M., Wu, J., Guo, H., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Chai, J., Li, T. and Xue, Y.*. Identification of a canonical SCFSLF complex involved in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility of Pyrus (Rosaceae). Plant Molecular Biology, 2013, 81(3): 245-257. (IF5=4.065)

8.     Xu, W., Yang, R., Li, M., Xing, Z., Yang, W., Chen, G., Guo, H., Gong, X., Du, Z., Zhang, Z., Hu, X., Wang, D., Qian, Q., Wang, T., Su, Z. and Xue, Y.*; Transcriptome phase distribution analysis reveals diurnal regulated biological processes and key pathways in rice flag leaves and seedling leaves, PLoS One, 2011, 6(3): e17613. (IF5=3.226)


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