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Lateral gene transfer occurring in haloarchaea: an interpretative imitation study

文章来源:  |  更新时间:2014-01-26  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:  |  【打印】 【关闭

Abstract Lateral gene transfer (LGT) plays an important pSY1 and pWL102,  were then produced in media at role in the molecular evolution of haloarchaea. Polyethyl- strain-appropriate MGSCs. The four strains of haloarchaea ene glycol-mediated LGT in haloarchaea has been dem- were transformed successfully by both kinds of dsDNAs onstrated in the laboratory, yet few explanations have been with an efficiency of 102–103transformants per microgram put forward for the apparently common, natural occurrence dsDNA. The transformation under reduced salt concentra of  plentiful  plasmids within haloarchaeal  cells.  In this tion may be an imitation of natural LGT of dsDNA into study,  LGT was induced in two genera of haloarchaea, haloarchaea when salinity in normally hypersaline enviHaloferaxandHalorubrum,  by modification of salt con- ronments is altered by sudden introduction of fresh water centration of media-a factor that may vary naturally in for example, by rainfall, snow-melt, or flooding—providnative haloarchaeal habitat.  Minimal growth salt concen- ing a reasonable interpretation for haloarchaea being nattrations  (MGSCs)  of  four  strains of  haloarchaea from urally richer in plasmids than any other known organisms. these two genera were established,  and transformations using two circular  double-stranded DNAs  (dsDNAs).
Lateral gene transfer occurring in haloarchaea.pdf

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