The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: morphological and multilocus DNA sequence analyses Abstract Species of the genus Phylloporus in China were investigated based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis of a three-locus (nrLSU, ITS and tef-1a) DNA sequence dataset. Twenty-one phylogenetic species were recognized among the studied collections. Seven of them are described as new: P. brunneiceps, P. imbricatus, P. maculatus, P. pachycystidiatus, P. rubeolus, P. rubrosquamosus, and P. yunnanensis. In addition, four of them correspond with the previous morphology-based taxa: P. bellus, P. luxiensis, P. parvisporus, and P. rufescens. The remaining ten phylogenetic species were not described due to the paucity of the materials. A key to the Chinese morphologically recognizable taxa was provided. A preliminary biogeographical analysis showed that (1) Pylloporus species in East Asia and Southeast Asia are mostly closely related, (2) species pairs or closely related species of Phylloporus between East Asia and North/Central America are relatively common, and (3) the biogeographic relationship of Phylloporus between East Asia and Europe was supported by only a single species pair. Unexpectedly, no taxa common eitherto both Europe and East Asia, or to both East Asia and North/Central America, were uncovered. Clades look to have taxa from both sides of the Pacific and Europe/Asia though. Keywords Biogeography . Newtaxa .Phylogenetic species . Species diversity . Taxonomy To cite this article: Zeng NK, Tang LP, Li YC, Tolgor B, Zhu XT, Zhao Q, Yang ZL*. 2013. The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: morphological and multilocus DNA sequence analyses. Fungal Diversity 58: 73–101
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